May Issue
May 7th 2024
60°F in Pasadena, CA
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May Issue
May 7th 2024
60°F in Pasadena, CA
Scattered clouds ↑62° ↓58°

On Teachers: You might be learning more than you think

As the end of the year grows near, I am filled with a sense of elation; the feeling of being free of the teachers I dislike the most. I feel it every year, eagerly anticipating the teacher I will have the following year and trusting that they cannot be much worse than this year’s. Somehow, after a few months of a new school year, I find myself reminiscing about the teachers of past years, and how I wish I could be back in their classrooms once more. I’ve since realized that in my eagerness to put the “bad” teachers behind me, I forget to appreciate the ones that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Some of the most influential figures in my life, besides my family, have been teachers. Years after I have left their classroom, I still hear their voices in the back of my mind. The best math teacher I have ever had is the only person I have ever met who used the word “thrice” instead of three times. Even though I haven’t been his student for five years, whenever I use the word “thrice”, or hear it elsewhere, I think about him. Even when I’m along, I hear my English teacher encouraging me to lengthen my sentences, I see my violin teacher’s slightly terrifying, piercingly blue eyes flashing when I play a wrong note, I still remember that Milan is on my forehead, per my history teacher. Even the teachers I dislike manage to impart some knowledge on me.

For all of the teachers who make us suffer, PHS has a few gems that the student body cherishes. It is evident in the way student fought against staff cuts this past spring, in the success of certain clubs and academies

The more I think about these bits of knowledge, the more I recognize what a crucial role teachers play, having one of the most important jobs in our society; equipping the next generation of individuals for adulthood with the knowledge they need to thrive. Realizing this made it all the more clear to me how much respect teachers deserve and don’t receive. Few careers impact society the way a teacher does, and yet, they are barely paid above minimum wage.

While there is a completely different discussion to be had about improving the quality of teachers nationwide, be it by raising pay or other methods, there are still many teachers who deserve to be appreciated for the incredible work they do everyday.