Shane Vandevelde
The Person Behind the College App Workshops
What comes first, class or college?
Just four days before University of California college applications were due, students received an email inviting them to skip class periods over the next three days to work on their applications in the library. To most students, this was a godsend, but to some teachers, the workshops stung, relegat...
Recent Busing Failures in PUSD
Why your bus never came
As any student whose gone on a field trip recently can attest, Pasadena High School has problems with school busing. Buses show up late, or even not at all, leaving students and staff waiting. Even when reservations have been made for buses in far advance, buses sometimes cancel last minute, a day o...

Math Academy, A Decade Later
In a corner of the E building, an experiment is taking place. Its founding question: Can we teach kids math much much faster than we currently do? Ten years later, we’re seeing its lasting impact. Was it a success? A failure? It depends on who you ask. Some students say they thrive in the program, b...